Painted Placemats

I bought these placemats and thought it would be fun to decorate them. I decided to have a little fun and make the mats watermelon and donuts!

Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts

Here's what you need:

  • Plain circle placemats. (however many you want or need)
  • Paint:
    • Donuts: tan, brown, black, pink, and blue.
    • Watermelons: green, pink, and black.

Here's what we did:


  1. Paint a few inches around the edge of the placemat, as the rind. We used green paint.
  2. Use a large circle object to trace to make the inside of the watermelon.
  3. Paint the inside of the watermelon. We used dark pink.
  4. Add seeds in black.
  5. Lastly spray with clear coat to prevent the paint from coming off.
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts


  1. Paint a few inches around the edge of the placemat and the inner circle. We used tan paint.
  2. Paint the inner circle of your donut. We used black for this.
  3. Paint your icing. Making a curvy line around the outside edge and the inside edge of your donut.
  4. Add sprinkles. We used light pink and blue.
  5. Lastly spray with clear coat to prevent the paint from coming off.
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts

You could paint different foods on your mats or even use different shaped mats. These mats are cute, fun, and great for kids to use. xo Britt