Mommy Files: Getting Over Being a Perfectionist

I used to be a perfectionist. Well I still am, but it's different. Being a mom of two under two it can be hard to get stuff done. If I manage to actually get it done it's most likely not going to be how I was picturing it. I have learned that's ok.

It's really freeing actually. It feels good to not get freaked out by things that I would have been all bent out of shape for in the past.

Mommy Files: Getting Over Being a Perfectionist | My Only Sunshine
Mommy Files: Getting Over Being a Perfectionist

The day that I took these photos and decided that this was an important topic for me to post about, I was folding towels on my bed while I was waiting for our sheets to dry. I had several towels folded and stacked up. Noah came in and tackled everything that I had done.

My initial reaction was to have a mini freak out and try to quickly fold everything while attempting to distract him. And then I realized that I didn't care if I got all of the laundry folded. Hey. Getting it clean is the important part, right?

We instead decided to have a pillow fight right on top of the towels. We wrestled and had a tickle fight. We had so much fun! After Noah lost interest in those shenanigans, we started playing a game that consisted of me messily folding the towels really quickly while Noah tried to knock them down. Ha. But hey I got them folded, no matter how messy they were. 

Mommy Files: Getting Over Being a Perfectionist
Mommy Files: Getting Over Being a Perfectionist

I think its important not only for you as a mom to feel ok with having things messy or not perfect. But I think it is more important for your little ones to see it too. I like that Noah + Sophie have changed that for me. They have helped me realize what is really important. And that even if I want things to be perfect, they aren't going to be, so we might as well embrace the crazy and the mess. Because frankly its more fun anyway.

Thanks for letting me share with you. xo Britt