What Are You Thankful For?

As we're sure you all know Thanksgiving is in about two weeks. These next two weeks we are going to focus on decorations, recipes, and family fun for your Thanksgiving dinner! To kick it all off we thought we would start by sharing what we are thankful for!


  1. My husband + my crazy little man, Jake + Noah
  2. My crazy family + friends that are always here for me
  3. P - I - Z - Z - A
  4. My little sister 
  5. A roof over my head
  6. Taylor Swift's new cd ... ha! I am obsessed
  7. Having a job doing what I love
  8. Pinterest
  9. My faith
  10. Weekends


  1. My family and friends who have always been here for love and support
  2. My turtles, Roscoe Eli and Ruby Ann
  3. Big sweaters
  4. The opportunity I have to further my education
  5. Chocolate Milk
  6. My Health
  7. Naps
  8. Everything gold
  9. Kind strangers
  10. Potatoes in all forms

We're are also thankful for you guys! We appreciate everyone who stops by and gets inspired by our posts. You are the reason we do this.:)

We hope in the next couple weeks you can use some of our posts to make your Thanksgiving dinner fun! And don't forget to come back tomorrow for our first diy!

Have a wonderful week,

Britt + Sky