Mom Guilt

It took like two seconds after Noah was born for mom guilt to set in. It is so silly but like everything's made me feel so bad. Like if I had to go home and leave him in the NICU. Or if I forgot what time he had eaten and he went thirty minutes past his scheduled time. I basically acted as though it was the end of the world.  

Then we add baby two. Oh yeah I'd say it's worse but in a different way. I am always feeling guilt about how much attention I give each little one. And the guilt I feel if I nap while they are both napping instead of cleaning our house, which is a disaster by the way, is horrendous. 

Then there is the number of times I have to get on Noah during the day. I feel like I say NO about three hundred times a day. I am constantly having to tell him to get out of something. To close the door. To be gentle with Sophie. To stop using, fill in the blank, as a weapon. I am on repeat everyday. I hate that I am constantly having to get on to him.

So I decided that we were going to start going on weekly adventures. Somewhere that Noah could run like a crazy man. Pick whatever up that he wants to. All without me having to say anything. Last week we went to Watkins Mill. Sophie was in the stroller and Noah ran free. As we walked around the trail together he played in the leaves. He picked up rocks and acorns and leaves. 

We had so much fun. It was nice to give him some freedom and for me to have a break from saying his name over and over and over. I think it will be a good thing to do once a week for us both to get a break.

Happy Wednesday! xo, Britt

Cue the cute photos 😁 
