Anything + Everything

I want to be able to do all. I want to spend time with my kids, have a clean house, actually get to shower every morning, or get a blog post up on time. But I didn't start learning until being a work-at-home mom of two under two that it is impossible to do it all.  

I saw a quote recently that said, "You can do anything, but not everything."  That really hit me hard. When you step back and look at all you want to be able to do, and know that you have to choose, it really helps you to prioritize.

Laying and talking with Sophie is way more important to me than those dishes that are piled up in the sink. Showering daily is so overrated 😂. Snuggling up and watching Peppa Pig with Noah is more important to me than the laundry. 

Don't get me wrong. I know that as adults we have responsibilities. I know at some point I have to do laundry or we will all be naked 😑. And doing dishes is a necessity. But we just shouldn't get down on ourselves when we make something else a priority day to day. 

I am terrible about being really hard on myself daily. I have been working on being nicer to myself and just trying to remember that I can do anything but not everything.

I got house straightened up last night after the little ones went to bed so today you'll find me snuggling 😍.


xo, Britt  

Mom Guilt

It took like two seconds after Noah was born for mom guilt to set in. It is so silly but like everything's made me feel so bad. Like if I had to go home and leave him in the NICU. Or if I forgot what time he had eaten and he went thirty minutes past his scheduled time. I basically acted as though it was the end of the world.  

Then we add baby two. Oh yeah I'd say it's worse but in a different way. I am always feeling guilt about how much attention I give each little one. And the guilt I feel if I nap while they are both napping instead of cleaning our house, which is a disaster by the way, is horrendous. 

Then there is the number of times I have to get on Noah during the day. I feel like I say NO about three hundred times a day. I am constantly having to tell him to get out of something. To close the door. To be gentle with Sophie. To stop using, fill in the blank, as a weapon. I am on repeat everyday. I hate that I am constantly having to get on to him.

So I decided that we were going to start going on weekly adventures. Somewhere that Noah could run like a crazy man. Pick whatever up that he wants to. All without me having to say anything. Last week we went to Watkins Mill. Sophie was in the stroller and Noah ran free. As we walked around the trail together he played in the leaves. He picked up rocks and acorns and leaves. 

We had so much fun. It was nice to give him some freedom and for me to have a break from saying his name over and over and over. I think it will be a good thing to do once a week for us both to get a break.

Happy Wednesday! xo, Britt

Cue the cute photos 😁 


Oh Hey There, Sophie

Well we are officially a family of four. We welcomed little (or not so little rather) Sophie at 7:44am. She weighed in at 9lbs 10oz and 21in long.


Mr. Noah isn't too sure about mommy being hooked up to so many cords or about Sophie in general, but all of it sure tuckered him out. 


There will be many more photos to come, but goodnight for now. xo, Britt

Family Theme Nights: Mexican Fiesta

Hey there! Happy Thursday! So a few weeks ago we shared how we were starting family theme nights (here). We love them! It's so fun to come up with the theme and then try to make it fun and exciting for the whole family. 

We were inspired by Cinco de Mayo, but a fiesta can be fun any time! For our fiesta we made tacos of course :) We had all the fixings. We even had Mexican mandarin soda to try. This time we even had a few decorations and we had piñata poppers (we found the idea here).


Have an idea for family theme night? We want to hear about it! We are always looking for new and fun things to try! xoxo, Britt + Sky

Family Theme Nights: Movie Night

It's crazy how much money we can spend on eating out each month. In my experience, half of the time we go out, the wait is super long, the place is crowded, and normally so loud that we can barely hear ourselves think let alone talk to each other. I am not sure why its so appealing.

A few months ago, I sat down and started looking over our budget. I was completely blown away when I realized that so much extra money was going to eating out. Sometimes it seems easier to just go grab something to eat, versus cooking dinner at home. Plus its fun to go somewhere, it gives us something to do. 

I made the decision that I wanted to come up with a way for us to eat at home and not feel like we were missing out from not going to dinner on the weekends. I came up with the idea to have family theme nights. We take turns coming up with the theme, from the details of the dinner to the family fun we are going to have after dinner. We look forward to these nights. We help each other make dinner, we eat together, and we just have so much fun!  

We decided that we are going to start sharing our theme nights with you. That way you can start this fun tradition with your family. This week we are sharing our movie night theme. This is a little more unconventional than most of our themes. We have soft pretzels with nacho cheese, and a sweet and salty popcorn bar. It's not the healthiest dinner, but hey, it's fun and delicious!

Family Theme Night: Movie Night // My Only Sunshine

We get our plates ready and our popcorn dressed up and sit down to watch a movie together. If we are feeling real crazy, we watch a couple movies. We are just prepared to have to take turns going and getting Noah and cleaning up all of his messes during the movies. 

Family Theme Night: Movie Night // My Only Sunshine
Family Theme Night: Movie Night // My Only Sunshine
Family Theme Night: Movie Night // My Only Sunshine

We are so excited to start sharing our fun family dinners with you. Hope you enjoy them! Happy Monday lovelies! xo, Britt