Oh Hey There, Sophie

Well we are officially a family of four. We welcomed little (or not so little rather) Sophie at 7:44am. She weighed in at 9lbs 10oz and 21in long.


Mr. Noah isn't too sure about mommy being hooked up to so many cords or about Sophie in general, but all of it sure tuckered him out. 


There will be many more photos to come, but goodnight for now. xo, Britt

3 years and counting

Today marks three years that I have been married to my best friend. It seems so crazy to  think that it has already been that long. It seems like just yesterday we were in the 5th grade "going out." :) That's right we are elementary sweethearts. Crazy right?

We have grown up together and have been through so much together and I can't wait to see what God has planned for the rest of our years. I am just so thankful to have Jake by my side.

Jake and Brittnee - Wedding Photo - trishadphotography.com

We decided not to do much today but I made him a card and some heart shaped pancakes for breakfast.

handmade card - myonlysunshineblog
heart shaped pancakes - myonlysunshineblog

And here are a couple more wedding photos.

Jake and Britt - Wedding - trishadphotography.com
Jake and Britt - Wedding - trishadphotography.com

Have a great day! xo, Britt

Source: wedding photos || Trisha Waters @ trishadphotography.com